I figured I would take one quick peek before I went to bed. Zowie! Look! Feedback!

I'll try to go fast, since I'm dead on my feet (well, factually, butt) and I have to get up early tomorrow.

First of all - Happy birthday, Laura! I didn't know it was your b-day! party

Oh, but you don't want to stop her, Clark. Because we all know what she is going to find sitting somewhere close to that award.
After I took so much care to point out that she still gave him the rose in the footnote for the fourth part you kind of had to see that one coming. <g> A couple of you have asked if he did it on purpose. I think it was one of those subconsciously purposeful things.
And was it the perfect birthday present for Jojo? Oh, wow. Rarely has a snippet of text made me that eager to join the rest of you and start using Clark's mole at the corner of his mouth as my personal lollipop!
I only loaned that freckle to Jojo (and Laura) for their birthdays. The other 363 days of the year it's mine. Mine, I tell you!

Caroline - I hardly know where to start in my little freak-out that you read my story. I'm still waiting for you to finish Stardust so I can start reading it (hint, hint). I was especially delighted that you loved the tension between them through all of the parts. Heaven knows I think you write the tension between them better than anyone. I was also surprised to see you mention you'll be reading the nfic part. For some odd reason I didn't think you read nfic. (?) The next step, of course, is having you write us all some nfic. grovel

Thanks also to Queen of Aces for reading the whole thing in one fell swoop. I think it has more impact that way - it's all still fresh in your mind. I'm pleased and relieved to hear that you thought it was woven together in a fashion that made sense. Yay!

Nancy - for some reason I just knew that you would know what "buss" meant. Heh. It cracks me up that I was right.
Would have you have been so calm if you hadn’t had those conversations with Kal-El?
Absolutely not!
Satisfying one's curiosity is a good reason, if you ask me. But then, I'm not Lois, am I. I'd be jumping all over the guy by now. Ooops, sorry, need to remember this is the PG folder. *lol*
Ah, Lara, you're reading my mind! You know you can always email me (in stunning detail) your thoughts on that subject. Unless they include the freckle. Then you'll be in trouble.
No, no, no, no!!! Lois. You *should* do something stupid. Well, I mean, something *you* think is stupid. Cause if you ask *us* over here, we don't think it's stupid at all. It's actually very, very sane.
What if I promise that they'll both be stupid/sane in the next part?
I would trade many, many years of my life for just one moment to be Lois Lane in your story.
Mmmmm - show of hands? You know, I have this running joke with DJ about how things that happen in my stories to Lois eventually happen in a roundabout way to me. (Dead hard drive after her laptop was stolen, wrecked car after Lois crashed the Jeep, severe stomach cramps after her morning sickness, brakelights just died after they pulled out the wires in Nigel's trunk...) And yet, never even once has Clark shown up to ravish me. So I'll just keep writing these stories until that happens. We may be here for a while...
I think this line about sums this story up. Clark is telling Lois to please not let him go, to hold on to him, to their...relationship? And she responds by...hanging on to him, securely. I think that these inferences became understood between Lois and Clark.
Ah, Sheila! Gold star for you! Yes, it was meant to be a metaphor.

Jojo, I'm glad you made it home safely and that you liked the story. Trust me, it was the least I could do for the girl who gave me Engrish, Superman stamps, an Angry Clark button and hours and hours of laughs.

Thanks guys! I really appreciate hearing from you!

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis