I just caught up with the entire series, so I wanted to stop in an offer a few observations.

First, this is a gorgeous use of vignettes to show how Lois' feelings changed over time. The first three installments focus on her feelings for Superman, but, by the Kerth awards, she has recognized how important Clark is to her. She has also begun to subconsciously connect her partner to Kal-El. By the end of the series, she realizes the depth of her feelings for Clark. She is now ready to love the whole man, not just the flashier aspects of his character.

Clark, too, changes over time. He is still fearful of telling her, but his trust in her grows with each interaction. He tells her his secrets, tells her that he's in love, and he continues to give her hints designed to lead her to the truth.

My favorite moments:

-The scene in which he helps her out of her dress. The atmosphere is electric, as desire, fear, and longing all draw the string of tension ever tighter. My, my, my!

-"He's in love with a moron." Too funny!

-The dance at the Kerth awards. It was all about Clark and Lois--no superheroes in the way here.

-"You should tell her," she finally whispered. "Just take a chance and tell her the truth."

He took a deep breath, his heartbeat pounding in his ears. "Lois, it's me. Kal-El."

No more secrets...I love how she helps him tell her the truth.

-The use of conversations from the past to fuel later scenes. The ending is especially strong, where she reminds him that he said that she was the only one who could seduce Superman. Great ending! The theme of "proof" intricately weaves all of the vignettes together. Well done.

"Women frustrate men because they're too complicated. Men frustrate women because they're not complicated enough."