Wow, this has been interesting. I chose other because I'm retired and sit at my PC (sorry Mac people, I used to be one of you) and read fanfic. Or I do a bunch of graphic stuff for a women's group I've been part of for 36 years.
Before that I was a scientist and was sorely tempted to bump up that humble 3% number in this poll. I have a Bachelors in Physics from the University of California Riverside (hi groobie) and a Masters in Public Administration from Cal State Bakersfield.
My IT efforts were limited to programming in FORTRAN wink
What did I do with that? For 36 years I worked for the Department of the Navy (/me waves at Catherine {different service but still part of DOD}).
If I told you what I did, I'd have to shoot you. Which is one of my very all time favorite lines. Let's just say I hope I made a difference in my time at work and made life a little easier for the guys/gals at the "pointy end of the stick." In the process I also did a lot of what Yvonne does smile .
I keep trying to write fanfic rather than just read it (Nan is my hero hail ), but I have a hard time with my life of fun and leisure getting myself to work at anything.
The best advice I was given was "get your degree first and then figure out what you're going to do."
But don't get discouraged. My daughter just graduated university at the age of 43 and has a job she loves.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis