I thought about choosing "scientist", but chose "other" instead as I am an engineer (BSME by degree, as well).

Yvonne: Yeah for Fortran! Can I date myself even further by saying I learned Pascal as well (and loved it as I recall). Loved learning computer languages...still do.

I should have been IT, but I was told not to get a degree in computers and there wasn't much future in it!!! smile But I still putter around in it and was the "computer expert"/go-to person (their term not mine) for our department at my last job, and within a few weeks was known for that at my new job. (Always good to feel like you know something even when the industry you're in is so completely foreign to you!)

I had to laugh though when I saw the title "What do we do at work?" So, I told you my title/job type... that doesn't really tell you what I do at work all day! (somehow a Fanfic Message Board Reader just doesn't get paid as well as an engineer! smile )
