What do we do at work?
Try and not go crazy.

I picked 'other' and because I wasn't really sure what to pick. Actually I was torn between 'finance' and 'administration'. I work in accounting services/accounts payable. EWWWW.

I've been looking for another position within the company I am in (non-accounting!!!!)

I've often thought about going back and going into a trade. I'm leaning towards carpentry. Mind you being an electrican sounds neat, but I can't get past the idea of accidentatly being zapped!

Trade - that's what it is called here or skilled tradesman/woman. 'Trade' doesn't mean an unskilled, non-technical in the circles I've been in. The differences in definition is interesting.

One such definition I have:
An occupation, especially one requiring skilled labor; craft: the building trades, including carpentry, masonry, plumbing, and electrical installation.

My step-dad refers to it as that as well. He didn't bother getting his papers (Canadian) done beyond being a journeyman carpenter. My dad-in-law is a machinest and has papers from England (level ??) and he calls it a trade.

Luckily the goverment here supports all trades, academia, manfacturing and service jobs. Maybe not very well, but nonetheless it is supported. I guess they are sick of people leaving the province! My husband loves manufacturing, but he left that industry due to all the jobs leaving frown Poor guy really liked it. He was sort of an auditor/time study technican to try and make things more efficeient, etc. I tease him it's all his fault the jobs left the city. devil I found his job neat!

I was looking into carpentry and starting out at the local community college (which I used to snub) and work my way up that way. However, my academic history shows that I waver all over the place and probably wouldn't finish or get nervous or something and not finish so I guess I'll stay put where I am. (phych, anthro, bio, physics, history, education, accounting, geography....I am now allergic to univeristy)

I'm a jack of all trades and a master of none.

My mum got mad at me and said quit wanting to collect degrees and just go all the way with something. My hubbie says don't go back to school for a while and just live and do some hobbies.

Nice people to work with *and* I can wear jeans every day.
OOH I'm jealous. I wish I could dress like that. I could spend more of my paycheque on fun stuff.

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.