Well, I checked other because I really didn't know what to check. A few months ago, I was student (history - to become a teacher, but I forgot the inscription to the competitive examination, and I don't want to do it again this year because I already did 7 years in university and I'm fed up with it!) and working at the same time as a waitress in a restaurant. Now, I still have my job as a waitress (10 hours per week), and the rest of the time, I'm looking for another job. The problem is nobody wants history diplomas (I am specialised in Aegyptology - there is really no job in this branch!), so I did a bilan (personality tests,etc...) and my counselor told me I made for working in the administration as a "secrétaire bureautique" or "assistante de direction" (sorry, I don't know how to say that in english - that's kind of a secretary personal assistant for directors). So, in a few months, I should begin a formation for that.