I loved JAG because Harm and Mac relationship reminded me of Lois and Clark and it was the first show I attached myself to are Lois and Clark ended. Though by the end I was annoyed at how long they dragged out them admitting they were in love with each other. A lot of guest stars on Lois and Clark were guest stars on JAG as well.

Veronica Mars was cool I loved the first season and while the next two weren't as goon they were enjoyable. I especially enjoyed Veronica's sassy attitude.

Currently when I'm bothered enough I'll watch Bones, The Mentalist, SVU and my in part due to my love of all things Twilight I'll watch Vampire Diaries, but for the most part I don't watch too much anymore.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller