I wasn't actually allowed to watch Season 1 -- I was 12, and it was too racy, according to my mother
LOL, a big fat ditto. I think I was about 11 when the people I went to school with discovered I didn't watch the show. My mother really wasn't into tv in general, so there are all kinds of shows I didn't watch growing up that apparently qualified as a capital offense. (Home Improvement...Seinfeld...Friends...the list continues, if I think hard enough)

Ok truth be told I forget to turn on my tv a lot. But I never miss Grey's Anatomy or American Idol.

Other shows I love when I do remember to turn on my tv:
Desperate Housewives
Brothers and Sisters
How I Met Your Mother
The Middle

I am a huge Desperate Housewives fan even though it's kind of terrible lately
PS thank heavens there's a couple of murderers on the block right now. I seem to only love this show when people are sleeping with the fishes.


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy