Ditto on the "not being allowed to watch Friends because I was too young" thing. I think I was 12 or 13 when the show started and didn't really start watching it until I was in my 20's...at which point I couldn't get enough of it.

All time favorites (besides LnC):

-Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman--The history in this is just great and Joe Lando is certainly easy on the eyes!
-Star Trek TNG
-Star Trek Voyager

Recently watched all of DS9...to the person who said they couldn't get into it...you kind of have to struggle through the first two seasons, but once you get to the buildup of the Dominion War, it gets VERY good.

Currently watching:
-Private Practice--Love Addison...(can I tell you how much I HATE Naomi and wish they'd write her out of the show?)
-Grey's Anatomy-This one goes up and down for me. The show seems like it goes through two phases repeatedly-it is either REALLY good or they don't know where they are going with it.
-In Plain Sight (on USA Network)-Follows a female Witness Protection Officer (US Marshall), her life, interactions with witnesses, her partner (who is hilarious!). Really good show.
-Big Bang Theory-My husband is a huge comic book geek and I'm a huge Star Trek fan, so this is hilarious to us. I know a lot of people who aren't "geeks" though who also love the show. Hands down funniest thing on TV right now.