Well, it's a bit of a past obsession, but I do love Stargate SG-1. I amaze my husband, because I can name any episode in the first 5 seasons within a minute of it being on. If I can't name the exact ep, I can describe what happens. Seasons 6-8, I'm not so good on (2-5 minutes), and 9/10 are worse. Daniel was cute (though I miss his floppy hair), I wanted to be Sam, and I thought Jack and Teal'c were cool.

Current TV obsessions?

Big Bang Theory - I can easily compare myself to Leonard, and I kept rooting for him and Penny to get together. Sheldon's complete lack of social skills, and his disregard for most of them, can be extremely hilarious. I thought the show was going to fail, but I love it.

Castle - Oh my oh my, am I loving this show. I've got a tiny bit of a crush on Nathan Fillion, so that's a draw. But the characters themselves are great. He plays Rick Castle, a mystery writer who needed a muse for a new character after he killed off his previous major character. He starts trailing Detective Kate Beckett on her cases, who initially hates the idea, but has slowly come to appreciate his outlook. Not that she'd ever truly admit it. There's sexual tension, there's mystery, and there's humor and his absolute irreverent love of everything around him.

Bones - I got into this one slowly thanks to repeats, then devoured all of the previous seasons. The mysteries are interesting, but the characters are more fascinating. Everything from Brennan & Booth's chemistry (both sexual and just the way they play off each other) to Angela and Hodgin's history and all of the other squints just keep me drawn in. I've even got the hubby interested. We started watching it a little late last night, and I was fine to just start watching from after the beginning credits. He made me rewind to the beginning, though. laugh

"You need me. You wouldn't be much of a hero without a villain. And you do love being the hero, don't you. The cheering children, the swooning women, you love it so much, it's made you my most reliable accomplice." -- Lex Luthor to Superman, Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited