Carol's and my antics in the Scardino thread had me wondering if anyone else here is a big fan of Friends? I love, love, love it. It's my other favorite show of all time after L&C. I drive my husband crazy because if an episode is on cable, I'm all, "FRIENDS! We must watch!" and he says, "Uh, you own all 10 seasons on DVD, turn it to ESPN," and I'm all, "Are you still talking?"

I wasn't actually allowed to watch Season 1 -- I was 12, and it was too racy, according to my mother -- but I coughtapeditbehindherbackcough and then started actually watching watching it in Season 2 with her knowledge. To this day, Chandler remains my favorite, and I loved when he and Monica got together

I think I love it because the dialogue is so witty -- and quotable -- and it's easy to follow. I actually watched some of my DVDs while I was in labor. I also think I snapped, "Could I BE having any more contractions?" at one point. laugh It was really cool to get to see the Central Perk set at Warner Bros. during LAFF in 2008, even if the lame tour guide wouldn't let us sit on the couch. (Then again, she kept calling L&C "The New Adventures of Lois and Clark." Um, sure.)

As for current shows I love, I am a huge Desperate Housewives fan even though it's kind of terrible lately, and I have gotten really into Private Practice, which is all of a sudden way better than Grey's Anatomy, and has the fabulous Addison as its heroine! She reminds me a little of Lois, only sluttier. wink

Anyway, what are some shows that you absolutely love, and tell us a little bit about it! With summer reruns coming, maybe this thread will inspire some DVD rentals or Netflicking!

Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"

Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."

"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"