I simply couldn't stay away from this thread.

I watch almost nothing live. The ONLY exception is ...don't shoot me... Smallville. There are elements of that show that I have enjoyed very much. When it is all done I think I'm going to go through and pick out about 1/10 of the episodes and make "Bob's Smallville" with a lot of Clois wallbash

As to what I am watching now, all on DVD are:
Wonderfalls: There is only 1 season but it is fabulous.
Pushing Daisies: Iolan's crossover got me hooked.
Nero Wolf: The Timothy Hutton as Archie version.
Dresden Files: Again only one season. I liked the series better than the books.
Farscape: The Aeryn/Crichton relationship reminds me of Lois and Clark.
Firefly: It was just fun.
