53) The Man from Krypton Glenn Yeffeth, editor - various essays on Superman
54) Wonder Woman by Les Daniels - history of Wonder Woman (who was developed by the same doctor who invented the polygraph).
55) Wonder Woman: The Ultimate Guide to the Amazon Princess by Scott Beatty - the current Wonder Woman mythology (needed to do some research).
56) Batman Unauthorized edited by Dennis O'Neal and Leah Wilson - various essays on Batman (most of them much darker in tone than the essays on Superman).
57) Boeing B-52 by Walter Boyne - a history of the B-52 bomber. A magnificent aircraft.
58) Earthway by Aimee and David Thurlo - series mystery set on the Navajo reservation in New Mexico. The books follow the adult life of Ellah Clah, a Native American police officer working on the Rez. The stories combine Navajo mysticism with police procedure, and they work.
59) The Dark Side of the Game by Tim Green. Remembrances of a former player (defensive lineman for the Atlanta Falcons). Not as negative as I expected from the title. Lots of very short chapters, possibly resulting from the ex-football player's brief attention span.
60) When All The World was Browns Town by Terry Pluto. Recounts the last professional championship won by an Ohio team in any sport, the 1964 NFL championship against the Baltimore Colts.
61) The 360-degree Leader
62) The 21 Immutable Laws of Leadership
by John C. Maxwell - leadership counsel. Very specific and useful.
63) A History of Modern Computing by Paul Ceruzzi. Development of digital computers (mostly larger machines) up to 1995. Interesting from a historical POV, although I would have preferred more personal information on the people involved.
64) The Legend of the Firefish
65) The Hand that Bears the Sword
66) The Battle for Vast Dominion
by George Bryan Polivka. A Christian seagoing fantasy trilogy set in something like the 15th century. Very imaginative and entertaining.
67) The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible by Robert J. Hutchinson. This one will go in my personal library, as will
68) The Politically Incorrect Guide to Science by Tom Bethell. Both are full of unexpected nuggets of information, all very logically and convincingly presented.
69) The Big Gundown by Bill Brooks - Western novel.
70) Down the Long Hills
71) West of Dodge
by Louis L'Amour. Western novel and short stories, respectively. There are flaws in L'Amour's writing style, but the man could sure tell a story.
72) Gunfight at Cold Devil by Ralph Cotton. Western novel.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing