9) U Is For Undertow by Sue Grafton.
10) Wings and Rockets by Jeanette Atkins. For young readers, but lots of interesting information. For example, Orville and Wilbur had a sister named Katharine who took care of their bike shop in Ohio while they were at Kitty Hawk working on the plane. She was also the first female passenger on a powered heavier-than-air flight, and later learned to fly the craft. Cool.
11) Letters To a Young Conservative
12) What's So Great About Christianity?
13) The Enemy At Home
14) Illiberal Education
by Dinesh D'Souza. This guy is my latest favorite author.
15) Listen by Rene Gutteridge. Fictional tale about a small town whose private conversations start showing up on a website. I've met this lady personally and she's really personable and willing to help young writers. She encouraged my daughter to start writing, and now she can't stop! I am my daughter's beta (which is something I never thought I'd write), partly due to Rene's influence.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing