Bad Sara!!! So behind on reading. razz

He smirked. Madge waited. She knew he would tell her. He always did. Eventually.
Ooh, let's hope so.

Not being able to brag on his brilliance was the only real hardship for Tempus. The one thing he could not do. If just once, one time, he did something dreadful and didn’t boast about it, then her office would be in real trouble. As well as her world. So far, though, that had never happened.

“They don’t register,” said Andrus again, his face a deathly shade of pale.
eek Eeep!!

“Because completely dead wouldn’t be nearly as much fun,” Tempus answered, and Madge relaxed infinitesimally. He was proud of himself. He had found a way to outwit the soul tracer and it would kill him not to tell her about it.
LOL! Great line from Tempus!!!

She knew that she knew him. From the space transport. The bomb. EPRAD. After that, though, things got... blank.
Oh great! Amnesia? frown

“I’ve sent them someplace out of reach. A place so obvious I hate that I didn’t think of it the first dozen times. The one place that unravels all of Utopia.”
Hmm... so... Do I get bonus points if I guess right? I think it's Utopia. goofy Tempus said obvious... that's obvious, right? Now... the fact that it's obvious doesn't take away the bonus point value, does it?

It was just a statue, though. Of him. A twelve foot high rendering of blue spandex guy.
Ha!!! I'm right!!! Right?

“I do?” She returned his tentative smile with a big one of her own. “How about that?” she said, mostly to herself, though she didn’t mind if he heard her. “A guy who can lift space shuttles into orbit... afraid of me.” She tilted her head to the side, looking him over once more. “You’re not just strong, then. You’re smart, too.”
LOL!!! And awwwwww!

“Why not until you were eighteen?” she asked quickly, trying unsuccessfully to extract herself from his firm grip. He didn’t even seem to notice. “Is that how old you have to be to get a license on your home planet?”

An “I don’t know how to answer what you just said without giving away something I don’t want to give away” sort of move. She, herself, had a million of them. But they were way better than his. Not nearly so obvious.
ROTFL!!!! That's great! Love that line about Clark's look!

He had been here before.

Lois jotted that down in her mental notebook.
Ooh! Lois is a smart cookie!!

He knew golf. She put that right next to ‘had been to the park.’ There was something very non-alien about this alien.
Wow... this line is... well, it's funny, smart and waffy all at the same time. laugh

He didn’t know that though, because the guarded look came back once more.

There was a plea in those last words she found almost endearing. He was such a juicy interview subject, and she could hardly wait to pin him down. But there was a vulnerability to him, an innocence underneath the muscles. He was right to be guarded. This world could chew him up and spit him out before he knew what hit him.

And just as she had hoped, he followed, falling in step beside her, giving her a fond, too trusting smile. “I promise, Lois. When I figure out what I want to say, how to say it. When I’ve practiced that poker face, I’ll call you.”
LOL!!! Can you say "eager puppy"? <g>

She stopped and looked at him. “Stuff like that. You need to be careful what you say. I could jump right on that comment. Ask where you were until now. Where you were when you saw the report. What you were waiting for. What your plans are. How you know about golf courses and cigarette butts and litter in the park. And if you don’t have an answer....”
I really like how she's keeping her edge, but at the same time she feels sort of protective over him. Great touch! laugh

“Too much,” he said with a desperate groan. “Why would they do this, Lois?” He tore his eyes from the display in front of them, and they burned into her, so bleak and pleading she took an involuntary step back.
Wow, wow, wow! So much here! Let's see if I can actually remember all of what I thought. First off, poooor Clark!!! He's not only embarrassed, but he's probably freaking out, too... like maybe he's wondering if everyone knows Superman equals Clark Kent, who works at the Planet... even though he just got there. And then... I'm going to assume that since this is Utopia, that the Planet is more of a shrine than an actual working newspaper. Though, could be both, we'll see. Anyway... they're going to go in there... and oooh boy! They're going to see their pictures, aren't they? They're going to get mobbed by fans and such. Ooh boy... this does not look good!

“I scared everyone,” he said flatly. “But instead of raising the white flag of surrender, it’s my flag they’re waving. Just to show they’re friendly. That they’ll cooperate. So I won’t be a... threat to them.”
Ooor, he could be thinking that too. Either way, still not good.

The Chief was bearing down on them. In his very short time at the Planet, Clark couldn’t recall seeing Perry White outside of the bullpen, his own personal domain. But now, in the lobby, amidst the terrible clash of colors, the Chief looked... different somehow. Smaller than he had been just that afternoon. And most definitely angry.
Oh really?? Hmm... nice touch.

The man who definitely was not Perry turned toward her, noticing her for the first time. He blinked hard and slammed them all to a halt. “Great shades! You’re the best I’ve seen yet, honey! Your group just left with Cat Grant, but you can catch up with them, and send her back here. She’s very popular with the lonely businessmen on their lunch break,” he added with a chuckle. “They started in the usual place.”
Ooh, buddy! Is this some kind of... Planet Hollywood? (No pun intended. goofy ) Museum?

“The DF wing?” Lois scowled. “The whole saga? What is going on here? I don’t understand-”

“That’s two of us,” Clark cut-in fervently.

“-and I’m not budging until you tell me,” Lois finished.
Good! You tell 'im! And... *gulp* the whole saga? Yipes!!! That hasn't happened!!!

“The DF wing,” he huffed. “The Dysfunctional Family Wing. Lois Lane’s history. Just give them the spill: absent, unfaithful father, bitter alcoholic mother, flighty sister, cold as ice ace reporter...”

“So...” He cleared his throat when his voice cracked slightly. “Who wants to see the Krypton wing?”
Did I already say "poooor Clark"?? mecry

Yipes, CC! What a set up!!! Yikes... I think that's about all I can say right now. eek

Sara (who has a very good excuse for being late in reading this... I was writin'!!! laugh )

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