CC - I'm stunned by this story!! It's just wonderful, very different, thought provoking and completely hypnotic. WHERE are they?? And thanks to everyone who pointed out that the DP is a museum wherever and whenever they are - I just thought that someone had gone nuts and everything everywhere is some kind of homage to Superman. Poor Clark!

You've brought up, or you've had Lois bring up smile , so many great points that were never explored in the show - Clark's mannerisms, his familiarity with the planet (golf courses, do not trespass signs, litter, etc.), and I love how you've had her counseling him on how to develop a better poker face, etc.

I LOVE this, and can't wait to see what happens next.

I got a kick out of the fact that nobody seemed to think about removing the ring from Tempus or physically restraining him in any other way but having lots of bodies lie on top of him. wink

MORE please! smile


The world is made up of three kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.