I'm late, and everyone else has said everything already! :p CC, I'm speechless anyway. I don't know how you do it. This is amazing - the humour, the deft touches with description and detail everyone else has mentioned. Madge and Tempus. Clark noticing things about how Centennial Park has changed and Lois noticing things about Clark noticing things. wink

And I think Janet is right. Lois doesn't need the Daily Planet museum; she just needs to be alone with Superman for another half-hour or so and she'll have him all figured out. goofy

As it is, I agree with TJ and others: I think they're in the present, in the Peacekeepers' time, and they're now inside a ghastly, tacky, Lane and Kent 'living museum' with costumed actors playing the parts of themselves and their colleagues. Never mind whether or not the penny will drop for Lois - in fact, there are several pennies to be dropped, aren't there? - I think she's going to deck somebody before too long! eek

As for this destroying Utopia, could you imagine the effect on Lois right now of being told that she'll marry the Mr Greenjeans farmboy, even if he is Superman? Running for the hills might be the tamest of her courses of action... wink

Roll on tomorrow!

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*