Originally posted by cookiesmom:
Lynn, we're going to have to re-educate you about the tenth Doctor Who. I could never understand what people saw in the show in the Tom Baker days, but I can watch David Tennant over and over. But I know, I'm straying off topic here.

We now return you to Lois and Clark . . .
Ah...We're up to the tenth Doctor now? The last I saw was #9. I don't get any TV programming coming into the house, either via cable or over the airwaves. I don't watch much TV (LnC being a decided exception to this!), and what I do watch is via VoIP. Hmmm...I just did a bit of quick online research and found that we are actually up to #11.

Ah well. To be honest, although the show is fun, I never got really into it myself; I was sort of a Whovian by proxy -- a couple of friends of mine in high school were serious fans (one even knit himself a scarf), and so I watched some episodes just to keep up with them.

So how can I relate this to LnC....Hmmm...Have there been any Superman/Doctor Who crossover fanfics? And I wonder what Leela would make of Superman's flying?
