Originally posted by Marcus Rowland:
Originally posted by Lynn S. M.:
Originally posted by Marcus Rowland:
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy...
I'm certainly not claiming that Superman *is* the Messiah; only that there are a lot of parallels between him and Jesus.
It's a quote, from Monty Python's Life of Brian
Whoops. I guess its time to rewatch that movie. It's been a couple decades since I last saw it.

Forgot to add that Superman was dead at least once in the 1960s (I think), and Batman has also been dead before. It's REALLY common if a comic book character seems to be losing impetus, an easy way to get more attention paid to the story.
I guess that makes sense. And if that doesn't work, the character could always stay dead and the comic book companies would then move on to more profitable characters.

If you want a REALLY messianic character the last couple of years of Doctor Who take some beating. Literally ascending carried by a flight of angels in one of the Xmas specials, repeatedly dying to save us, etc. etc.
I guess he's currently a far cry from Tom Baker et al.'s doctor, then. I have only seen part of one episode of the new doctor; I hadn't been impressed either with him or with his companion. (I can't recall her name, but she was a stereotypical slacker and did not seem to present (m)any redeeming qualities, at least IMHO.)

Thanks for the clarification, Marcus.
