Originally posted by Sue S.:
cc - I'm heartily seconding everything you said. I know there are parallels but... To me it feels squicky and sacrilegious on so many levels to equate the two.
I can certainly appreciate that position; in fact, that is precisely why I had put the "filler text" lines into my original post. I had figured that it might not sit well with everyone.

FWIW, by considering Superman as a "christ figure," I absolutely do NOT intend to imply that he is in any way divine or worthy of being worshiped. Nor do I mean to reduce Jesus' supreme sacrifice to the level of "snatch a falling Lois from the air and set her down gently". My intent was simply to do a compare/contrast of the Biblical Jesus and the LnC version of Superman. (Ann pointed out in another post, which I hope to have time to address soon, that LnC only one part of the Superman mythos. That is definitely true. But I was confining my original analysis to the LnC aspect of it, partly because I am not well-versed in the other venues for Superman, and partly because I know that LnC actually contradicts the greater Superman realm in some major ways. (For example, whether or not Superman was an orphan.))

In any event, I once again apologize for any offense which this thread may cause.

- Lynn