Originally posted by Lynn S. M.:

I never saw that movie, or even advertisements for it. When did it come out?
Superman Returns was released in 2006, with Brandon Routh as the lead character. Brandon's Superman was defintely Christ-like in many ways, in my opinion, or at least the movie tried to make him that way. You can read about the movie here .

Originally posted by Lynn S. M.:

I don't think that TOGOM is a very important part of the Superman mythology,
I am new to the fandom, so my impression may be erroneous; but in other fandoms I have been in, if something were in the canon, it was accepted as part of that universe. In FoLCdom, how is it determined what is or is not important in the mythology, other than its impact on the rest of the mythos?
I wasn't trying to imply that TOGOM isn't important to the LnC mythos, because I think that this episode is one of the most important ones of the LnC:TNAoS TV series.

I was trying to say, instead, that LnC is a small part of a much, much larger Superman mythos. In the LnC universe TOGOM is very important, but in the context of the all-encompassing Superman mythos the impact of TOGOM is all but non-existent.

The larger Superman universe, minus the comics

Originally posted by Carol Malo:

Nope - turning Clark Kent/Superman into a quasi god-Jesus figure totally kills his sexual appeal. It neuters him. Puts him in cold fish territory. Sucks the romance right out of the story. Totally weirds it up.

Nope. Never, ever, ever.
I don't think that LnC's Superman is much like Jesus at all. Dean Cain's incarnation of the hero is much too robust, muscular, happy and smiling to be particularly Jesus-like at all.

[Linked Image] [Linked Image]

Really. There are differences. Many, many differences. Large ones.

Soulful slender Brandon Routh, with his gaze directed heavenwards, was a much more Jesus-like Superman.

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Brandon Routh's Superman. Not like Dean Cain's.

The most Jesus-like thing that I can think about when it comes to LnC's Superman is that he is supposed to found Utopia, which can be seen as a form of Heaven on Earth.
