But Ann there are thousands of people who do these 'saviour' type physical activities. We've recently seen examples of selfless attempts to save others in the horrific eartquakes in Hati and Chile. So many other examples, present and past - especially where people risk their own lives to rescue strangers.

Clark Kent isn't the only one. smile Also, perhaps, given his near physical invulnerability we should discount his 'saviour-like tendencies' compared to those of his companions. smile

Also, there are all those wonderful people who show us the way with their generosity, empathy, and wisdom. Perhaps it's this spiritual component that matters even more than the physical saving. (unless of course you're the one whose life has just been saved smile )

btw, I get a kick out of those comic books scenes you include every once in awhile. Also those astronomy shots but that's OT here smile Actually, maybe not given we've strayed into the heavenly in this thread.
