Originally posted by TOC:
This is my third post in a row. Oh well.
This thread is turning into a lively discussion, with much to respond about. smile

I don't think that TOGOM is a very important part of the Superman mythology,
I am new to the fandom, so my impression may be erroneous; but in other fandoms I have been in, if something were in the canon, it was accepted as part of that universe. In FoLCdom, how is it determined what is or is not important in the mythology, other than its impact on the rest of the mythos?

I don't think we can use it to prove that Superman died and was resurrected just like Jesus (particularly since Superman didn't die in TOGOM).
true, it was Clark and not Superman that supposedly dies. I'll agree that that bulleted item was one of the ones that was more of a stretch than the others in my original post.

However, in the nineties there was a long comic book arc, The Death of Superman and The Return of Superman, where Superman officially died. I read it, and I remember that I was devastated. I particularly remember reading one comic book which ended by saying something like this: There is no information on when or if there will be another issue of the Superman comics.
Wow. That must have been devastating to the Superman fans who read it.

So I guess we can say that, yes, Superman was raised from the dead just like Jesus.
I guess so, if one is willing to look outside of the LnC interpretation of him.
