Everybody here has made interesting and worthy points.

Personally I'm pretty dead certain that I have read somewhere that Samson served as an inspiration for Superman, but that most certainly doesn't mean that Moses couldn't have been another inspiration. In fact, it seems most likely that Moses, too, gave Siegel some ideas. I want to point out, however, that Moses was primarily a leader, leading his people out of the desert, toward the land of Canaan. I don't see Superman as that kind of leader. Indeed, Superman is a lot more like Jesus, because Jesus wasn't the kind of leader that Moses was. Yes, Jesus certainly had many followers, but it wasn't as if all those who were Jewish and lived in Palestine at that time followed Jesus as he led them somewhere.

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Everybody was following Moses. Superman isn't "leading his people" like that.

C-mom said that Clark "sins", because he sometimes lies. Interestingly, the Gospel of Mark says that Jesus also lied sometimes, or more precisely, Jesus "evaded", just like Clark. I don't have the strength to look it up, sorry, but if you read the Gospel of Mark yourself you will see that Jesus "evades" several times. He asks people he has healed not to tell others who has healed them, for example. And he doesn't want to admit that he is the Messiah. It is almost as if the Jesus we meet in the Gospel of Mark was trying to protect his secret identity.
