A "row" in England is the equivalent of an "argument" in the US, and the word "row" here is pronounced as rhyming with "no." It means to propel a small boat through the water by way of fixed paddled.

Do the English use that pronunciation and meaning, or do y'all "paddle" your small boats? Oh, and there's some kind of small boat called a "punt" in England, but in the US a "punt" is a specific play in football (not soccer, mind you).
Hey Terry, well from an NZ perspective (we use the English version of English... LOL), I find the older generation tend to use 'row' when referring to an argument more than the younger generation (I say younger when I'm referring to myself but then there are those younger than me who would think I was of the older generation! LOL). And yes we do 'row' our boats as well.
