Ooh, I love these kinds of discussions! laugh

I think I've gotten used to a lot of Britishisms by now, but one thing that always tends to jar me is the phrase "In Hospital." I stare at this phrase and I know it's considered correct, but I just so, so badly want to squeeze a "The" in there. I know it's irrational, especially since we here in the USA say "in school" as opposed to "in the school", but I just---well---um...Oh look! A distraction! goofy

Originally posted by Alisha Knight:

Autumn = Fall
Yeah, like others have said, we have both of those words here. I guess "Fall" is just more casual, and thus more common. Also works well in punny remarks uttered before tripping someone.

Jam = Jelly
Jelly = Jello
We have the words "Jam" and "Jelly". They are just the same thing, is all. If there is a difference, it's probably that jelly has more sugar in it.

Pavement = Sidewalk
Again, we have both, and they are mostly the same.

Porridge = Oatmeal
Porridge is *oatmeal*??? *THAT's* what it is?? I always thought it was some mysterious mushy substance eaten by orphans and bears. Huh. O_O

Rubber = Eraser
There is a hilarious comic about this in Axis Powers Hetalia. laugh

Torch = Flashlight (still confuses me - why would you use a flashing light to see in the dark?)
My personal theory is that it comes on in a flash. Instead of having to light a match or rub two pieces of wood/flint together, you just push the button and--click! Light. smile

As for row; I'd always wondered about that word. Thanks, Terry!
