Yeah, Symbolicangel! Welcome to our madcapped party. Your concept sounds great.

Last year James thought that he could only write slowly, but he found that he really could write fast if he embraced the fly by night spirit of nanowrimo. He took his glasses off so he wouldn't be tempted to go back and edit, or if he couldn't help himself he would set a timer so he would type as fast as he could for fifteen minutes and then limit himself to only five minutes of fixing typos. (Note the above example of his first paragraph and you will see that decision cost himself something.) He also found that he wrote faster in spurts. I'm sure that James could give you some other ideas.

I hit 5000 words last night. I can't remember the exact number, but I did post.

I have had to hit refresh repeatedly to get logged in and again refresh repeatedly to get to my page and refresh repeatedly to get my novel updated. The handy dandy word count updater started working last night. It saved me a lot of time since I was able to skip a step or two. Those overworked servers take a beating the first few days. It might be easier to log in before 6 AM than it would be in the evening and night hours.

One more sentence to explain the coroner's car. I hope its not a disappointment to you, Carol, but the plot hasn't been fully launched yet. With the fall of Intergang catching the city--make that much of the world--flatfooted, there was a vacuum of power that everyone from petty thug to crime lieutenant wanted to fill.

There are so many good ideas for teachers and students alike that I find myself gleaning from them. Here's a good idea for those who get stuck at the beginning of a writing session. Make it a practice to leave off in the middle of a sentence. Here is the example they gave: If I end my day with “Sarah didn’t want to wake her father but she had to because …” when the next day rolls around, I’m not faced with that what-do-I-do-next dread.

Let me shout out some encouragement. Go; Jesse, Jojo, Sheila! You can do it ladies! Go, James! Go TEAM! thumbsup

who has found herself washing her hands more often now that I'm writing about germs. Go figure.