ok, here's how my morning went.

At 2:17am I hear the sound of water running. Normally, this would mean that I was dreaming and just had to use the little author's room...however, when I was fully awake, I still heard the sound of water.

The water softner had supposedly cycled the night before, but sure enough it was running.

That little shot of adrenaline was just the beginning.

So, I was already up and I knew we had a load of clothes in the washer ready to be put in the dryer, so I decided to flip on the lights and put the clothes in, like the dutiful hubby that I am.

Now I am a little more awake.

I am resisting the urge to write. I am not that awake yet.

Then I really did need to use the little author's room. Did I mention that we installed enough wattage in that little room to light a normal great room?

I was fully awake, but it was only 2:34am in the morning! I quietly returned to bed.


Ok, fine, I get up and type in my first 128 words of my NaNoWriMo. There, I did it. I can go back to bed...


6:45am "Dad, when are you getting up to feed us breakfast???"

NaNo Name: Mr_d8a
NaNo UserID # : 200538
Years Doing NaNo: 2nd
This Year's Genre: LnC/SG-1 crossover fic
This Year's Idea: Clark has left Stargate after a terrible incident at Stargate Command. He's lost someone that he loves to the Go'auld. Can he find a new life and a way to forgive himself? What role will Lois Lane play in his new life.
Novel Title: New Beginnings.
Word Count Goal: 50,000

First Scene:(unedited obviously)
Clark stepped onto the street. The parking garage was only about ten no five city blocka away form where his destination. The Daily Planet. His side job at the Colorado Examiner and the stings pulled by his professor got him this interview, but he know ahead of time that thether wasn’t a legitimate opening at this time.

But he had to get away,. Get away formthe pain of his old surroundings the pain of lo losing one of the few people that that matteed the most to him.

He needed a clean breabreak. A new Beginning. And he could only find it two thirds fof a contentient away.

Metropolis was hi snew home and he would do anthying to keep it that way.

“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!