NaNo Name: symbolicangel
NaNo UserID # [from the end of your page in case the search function doesn't work again this year]: I'm not sure where to find this number
Years Doing NaNo: This is my first year, and it was a very last minute decision.
This Year's Genre: Romance/suspense
This Year's Idea: It's a blossoming idea...Aidan Payne was a successful journalist when his wife and baby boy were murdered. He barely made it out alive. Now he's left everything behind and is numbing the pain by developing a drinking problem. It's Halloween night--and the first birthday he's spent without his family--when a woman comes to his rescue and saves his life. That's the idea in a nutshell. smile
Novel Title: Not sure yet
Word Count Goal: 50,000

The first line alone is kind of lame, so how about the first paragraph? It's a work in progress...

The place was jam-packed. Halloween had brought in a record-setting amount of customers. At least that’s what it seemed to McKenzie Hill as she squeezed between two of her co-workers in the tight space behind the bar in order to serve the dark haired college-aged man wearing the Elmo costume his Coors Light.

As of right now, my word count is 4,440 according to MS word.

Happy writing everyone! smile1

Silence is golden.
Duct tape is silver.

~Saw it on a T-Shirt.