I woke up with a horrified shock at 8:29 am yesterday, threw on some clothes and raced to the college to teach my 9 am class. After class, which finished at noon, I met my daughter at the mall for our walk, and we put in 3 1/4 miles. By the time I picked up a few groceries and got home, it was 3 pm, and I hadn't logged one word.

Nor had I done the dishes, and my husband was going to be cooking, so cleaning up the kitchen took priority. When I finally sat down at the computer, it seemed like he was calling me every fifteen minutes to help him in the kitchen, which included cleaning up the mess from his trying to puree boiling hot soup in the blender. By the time dinner was over, I'd written all of 350 words.

Then I went to look at the notes I'd prepared and realized I'd written a scene for my prologue that I wasn't even planning to include in the book. Frustrated, I got on IRC for my normal Saturday night appointment and watched FTASV, told everyone goodbye, and got back to work.

Slow going, and I wasn't using any of my hurry-up writing techniques. But when I finished three hours later, I had 1010 words, which I couldn't enter on the website because I couldn't get it to open.

Ah, well, a slow start, but I plan to do much better from here on. Since this is NaNo, I shouldn't be cutting what I've written, which is what I did yesterday (took out that wrong scene), but it takes me a few days to get out of that "edit as you go" mental mode.

NaNo Name: sheilah
NaNo UserID #: 228856
Years Doing NaNo: 2007 and 2008
This Year's Genre: Speculative fic
This Year's Idea: Aided by Lindsey Walker, a female private investigator, orphaned Caleb Pries goes on a quest to find his people, presumably the source of his strange abilities, while trying to elude the government agents who think he is a threat to national security.
Novel Title: The Foundling
Word Count Goal: 90,000, but I'm only counting my new writing this year for NaNo, so what I keep of last year's attempt won't count.

Sheila Harper
Hopeless fan of a timeless love story
