Thanks for mentioning that Elisabeth smile .

The message from Chris Baty today said that the search function will be turned back on soon - since Nov. 1/2 are 400% busier than the rest of the time.

Parking behind the coroner's van? Interesting given what I know about the plot... wink .

Current word count: 9884
Chapters finished: 4

[ballpark word count for chapters - 2300-2800]
Hope to get another chapter done today. Part of it is that the... main plot of UP hasn't started yet and I'm not sure how much I need to write before it does. I know what *day* it starts - after what event - but how much of the in between time do I want to show, you know? Part of me HATES writing non-linearly but I also want to get to the meat of UP because there's some fun stuff there... Not that the stuff before it isn't fun but that stuff is really fun at times...

Back to it for a few minutes before lunch time...
