Wowzers! I'm cold and out of breath!

The style of writing you used to illustrate LnC's cold adventure did not bother me at all. I found myself...hmm..sounds odd, but I felt I was out of breath or found myself to be taking small breaths that did't do my brain so well. I was so wrapped into it. Breath girl! Man that was embrassing.

Do you know - hopefully anyone - when you have a dream and you are trying to get somewhere or you are runnning away from someone, but no matter what you do, you cannot go fast? I felt like that when they were trying to get away from the gun totting men. That was very very frightening. I was really nervous, but I figured no one was going to get killed....right? sad (to me that looks like a frown or somebody not sure about something)

I'm afraid of what they'll find in the cabin. Lucky for me though, I don't have to wait - the next part is up!

Thanks for the good readin'.

Until next time,
from the happy reader.

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.