Okay, I've felt sense slowly receding from me over the past couple hours, and have noticed a marked increase in the number of typos I've had to correct along the way. So, I think I'm going to have to keep this one brief. Unlike the story part, which was intimidatingly long, at least for me. Not that I wasn't happy to read it, but I was thinking, even before I saw you were considering a new schedule, that it would be nice to see smaller parts more frequently. Less time to wait between each part, less worrying about having to read so much in one go. Of course, I'll probably be lynched for saying that, and I'm probably only saying it because I'm so tired these days that I fade in and out of being clear enough to read, which means that larger parts are more difficult to deal with, except that that really wasn't a problem with the surrealist fic because I could just fade in and out with the story and nothing was making much sense anyway. <deep breath>

Speaking of breathing, the ellipses (is that the correct plural?) worked for me. I like them. Keep them.

Have to admit that I didn't get the bit about Norman, either, until Wendy explained on IRC. The movie is a classic, and they did a remake last year, but I've never seen either, and I know the name Bates a lot better than the name Norman. Not sure if that's a problem for anyone else.

Love Clark's thoughts about Lois's weirdness magnet status.

As for the situation itself... Stopping by the woods on a snowy evening... to get shot at, chased by mysterious people with machine guns, and run until frozen half to death. LOL, only Lois and Clark...

I do find it odd that Clark can't tell an AK-47 from a P-90 just by listening. On the one hand, he doesn't have his full hearing and he's got a lot of things on his mind. OTOH, there is (IIRC) a fairly large difference in rates of fire between those guns, not to mention the other differences in volume and tone caused by things like the P-90's considerably smaller muzzle length. Superman has probably dealt with both enough times. Of course, there's a chance he was just listing random machine guns in his head, not really caring what they were. That would make sense.

What made slightly less sense was that he was still bleeding. The whole powers fading in and out thing kind of confuses me, but generally, when he gets his invulnerability back, his wounds close up. We know he got it back for at least a little while. Why is he still bleeding?

Well, in any case, Lois isn't going to be putting CK=SM together anytime soon.

Glad that he managed to cover part of their trail. Not sure how much of it he managed to get, though. I have a feeling it won't take too long for those guys to find where it picks up again. Unless, of course, it continues to snow and that freezes over their tracks. Or something like that. One can hope.

So, uhm, anyway... I forget what else I was going to say. Cool part. Nice plot development. Good to know a little more. Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to make a pun with that "cool." Just realized it was more apt than originally intended. I'm going to leave it, though. Because I feel like it.

Where was I? Oh, right. Waiting impatiently to find out what's in that cabin, where the bad guys are, who the bad guys are, and what L&C will end up doing stranded, in the middle of nowhere, locked inside a small frozen cabin in the snowy woods, with maybe a cozy little fireplace, and... wait a sec. There's no nfic version of this fic. Oh well. So much for that theory.

Well, whatever. I want to see more! In smaller pieces. More smaller pieces. Preferably soon. Got it?


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.