I usually do not posts on threads like these becuase I don't like getting in the middle of the flame wars that have plagued this fandom since long before I was a part of it. This time I feel the need to step in because I am tired of sitting by the sidelines and watching LauraBF, Cindy, and Marilyn dig at the Kerth Committee in various ways. I will second everything that Paul said. I suspected exactly the same thing from the moment Katrinalee first posted, and my suspicions were confirmed when I read through the MComm's website.

The top of the frontpage of their website says:
Created as a judged alternative to the Kerths, the Merriweather Awards are based on good writing, not popular opinion. Our mission statement: "Truth and justice sound like good things to stand for."
They basically state that they created these awards because they want truth and justice, as opposed to the Kerth awards, which they do not think are truthful and just. This is exactly the kind of thing that LauraBF, Cindy, and Marilyn have said about the Kerth awards and KComm in the past.

Here is what I suggest.

If the MComm is composed of LauraBF, Cindy, and/or Marilyn, I can only conclude that this is one more way they have come up with to insult the Kerth awards and KComm.

If the Merriweather awards are only going to be a source of controversy and flaming because their purpose is to insult the KComm, I'd rather not have them at all.

If the above is the case, I am pleading with LauraBF, Cindy, and Marilyn to please leave. If you are so unhappy with the Kerth Commitee (many of whom also run these boards) then why come back here to stir up trouble? These boards were created so that the two factions of people who do not get along wouldn't have to be around each other. If you don't like KComm and the people who support them, then don't waste your time and energy being around those people.

If the MComm is not composed of LauraBF, Cindy, and/or Marilyn, I am pleading with you to please state who you are. I guarantee you that it would make a whole lot of us feel a lot better about submitting stories to your judges.

If the MComm is not composed of LauraBF, Cindy, and/or Marilyn and has been completely misunderstood to be a dig at the Kerth awards and KComm, then I wish you well. I hope that your awards are successful in providing helpful feedback to fanfic authors. I will probably even submit a story or two myself.
