Sorry for the delay in getting back to answer questions---computer problems.

To answer the question "how will thejudges NOT recognize certain fan fic the answer is some writers have definite styles and some do not. However, the STORIES are judged, not the writers. Also by submitting stories that are several years old, some of the judges may or may not have ssen the stories before or may have forgotten who wrote them. Some stories might be recognizable, but that was anticipated, hence the comprehensive score sheet. It is the story's structure that is being judged, not the auther.

All the judges are FoLCs. This was done to ensure familarity with the characters and universes.

The judges were selected by the Merriweather Committee. Names were proposed and voted on and the people were then approached about being a judge. Yes, BRs and GEs can be judges.

The judges are anyonymous to avoid any e-mails to them regarding their participation or judging of a story. It takes the pressure off them to be partial to one author or a particular story. They can participate knowing their opinions and tallies are confidential.