Dear Paul,

First of all, accusations piss me off. Might I point out that you haven't talked to me in over two years and that you never knew me well to start with? I've recently been diagnosed with lymphedema (if you want to know what that is, I suggest you google it) and the treatment for it occupies most of my haha spare time. The rest is usually spent preparing for graduation, graduate school, and writing *real* stories for publication. (None of this includes homework time.) Between maintaing a straight A average and everything else, I just don't even have much time to write fanfic anymore. I could never find time to be anymore involved than submitting a few things. <shrug> If you choose to believe that I'm part of this committee, I s'pose I can't stop you. I'm just far too busy for such things.

And no, I don't post here anymore because I don't *read* here anymore. For the most part, I've moved on into other fandoms. However, my startup page is still Zoom's boards so I came over here for once because I figured that the debate would be over here, and I never could resist a good argument. Cindy is one of my best friends--there's a reason you people dubbed us the 'obnoxious duo' a few years back. I think I'd know if she were involved. <g> She likes a good debate as well. As for Marilyn, well, she's been busy working on a novel for publication. When would she have the time to do something as labor-intensive as this?

Keep your theroies to yourself unless you have proof. I've yet to see anyting besides unsubstantiated, unfounded accusations.

pissed off in Atlanta,


“Rules only make sense if they are both kept and broken. Breaking the rule is one way of observing it.”
--Thomas Moore

"Keep an open mind, I always say. Drives sensible people mad, I know, but what did we ever get from sensible people? Not poetry or art or music, that's for sure."
--Charles de Lint, Someplace to Be Flying