I think it depends on what you're looking for. This is such a great playground and some of us are here for exactly that- just fun and nothing more serious or "real."

Others are looking to hone their craft and to stretch fanfic writing into other directions.

(Btw, *love* that you're writing a book, Sheila. I would buy it!)

Therefore it makes sense that different awards would eventually be the result.

I confess that I fall somewhere in between writing for the pure joy of it and sometimes wondering if I should try for more than being the local playwright to a hugely untalented cast of college students whose pronunciation makes me weep.

But I digress. For those who are looking for a grade on their writing outside of reader responses, the Merriweathers are for you. For those who aren't, then not so much.

I do wish for less secrecy. That seems to be a sticking point and I think a list of judges- and nothing that tells specifically who will judge what category- would be great gesture. A show of good faith that would go a long way towards getting the ball rolling.

And I'd love to see a schedule of what categories will be judged each month.

Lastly, Sara raises a good point about feeling excluded because most of her work was before 2001. Why not throw it open to any story a writer would like to have critiqued no matter the date?

Thus concludes my two cents, honeys. wink


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
