He turned to gaze at her over his shoulder, but her lips took hold of his instead, claiming them for her own.
dance at the rate they are going we will learn if the curse has any affect on them very soon.

Even if this was all a delusional fantasy or another trap, he wanted to experience every bit of it.
More evidence the curse will be proved or disproved during this encounter. How can he "experience every bit of her" without testing the curse?

Clark:Just because I want to do something does not mean that I will.

“And are wearing glasses?”

Lois chuckled and moved slightly away. “It’s a disguise.”
Lois:If it works for Clark, it should work for me.

He shrugged. Yet, it wasn’t as far away as she had gone. “What are you doing with Luthor, Lois?”
Lois:Can't I have a little more fun before getting to the difficult stuff?

and he’s never been in my bedroom.
Clark:Are you sure?

Lois:Well, he has never been there when I was. He may have broken in, but I doubt it. He normally has underlings do such things.

“You had amnesia, and I didn’t want to worry you.”
Clark:I overcame my amnesia more than a month ago.

“Anyway, after I discovered that you’re…well, you,” Lois said with a weak smile.
Clark:Was it the kiss that gave it away, or something I said, or that I was too out of it as Superman?

Lois:The kiss, but what was really bad was I was mad at you, Clark-you, and really wanted to cheat on you because I thought you were cheating on me with Cat.

Clark:Cat was under attack, there was nothing romatic between us.

Lois:I know, I figured that out just after the kiss.

Clark:So why did you break up with me, on my birthday.

Lois:Look at the time, I need to leave now. Otherwise Luthor might start looking for me too hard and find me here.

e man I’m dating stop him. To prove my theory, I pretended to break up with you to see if the attempts on your… well, Clark Kent’s life, ended, and they did.”
Clark:But maybe my would-be killer decided that a third attempt would put him at too much risk of someone figuring out who he was.

Lois:If that was so, he stopped one attempt too late, I already knew who he was.

“This was why you broke up with me?” he stumbled over the words coming out of his mouth.
Lois:Pretended to break up with you, it was not a real break-up Chuck.

“Where’s that great memory you’re always bragging about?”
Clark:It felt way to real when you were in Luthor's arms and not mine. When you went on date's with Luthor and not me. When you accepted watches from Luthor.

John Pack Lambert