After Henderson received that radio message about the Daily Planet, Lois knew that she had to get down there and see if any of her colleagues were hurt.
Lois:I really hope Clark is recovered enough from being exposed to Kryptonite that he is not hurt.

She had seen on the television at S.T.A.R. Labs that Superman was already on the job,
Lois: smile1 Clark is still there and has not begun his journey back to Krypton. I still have a chance of convincing him to stay.

If Lex had put Kryptonite in the bomb, she wanted to be there to get Clark the help he needed.
If there was Kryptonite in the bomb, wouldn't Clark already be showing signs of major injury, if not death?

In her gut, she knew that Lex was behind the bombing.
smile1 she sees the truth.

It was too much of a coincidence that someone attacked her at nearly the same time as the Daily Planet;
Good thing they were as far apart of attacks as they were. Also, good think that Lex does not know everything about Kryptonite.

by gluing Kryptonite dust to the underside of her large diamond engagement ring,
This explains why she did not notice it before.

Which did the man care about more, one woman or the newspaper that had supported him since minute one?
Since Lois was the main force behind the DP supporting Superman, is there really a difference?

For her own safety and that of her investigation, she couldn’t go down there as Lois Lane.
It would be so fun if Clark did not recognize her in disguise.

After a quick detour to change into the disguise she had left in her dojo locker, a bewigged, now super short-haired spiky blonde Lois headed downtown to the Daily Planet…
smile1 Clark won't run from her on sight.

Her heart tightened even further as she realized that she was to blame for what Lex had done to the Daily Planet.
No, only Lex is to blame for his actions.

It wasn’t her fault. Lex would have bombed it anyway.
I am glad she takes that view. Although oddly enough, it seemed in canon that the bombing had more to do with Lois than it does here.

She had left her beloved job and the man she loved to try to stop the crazy billionaire bent on destroying her life, and nothing she had done had made a whit of difference.
Part of me just wishes she would give up. However I know Lois won't.

Well, there was always that fourth option. She could fake her death, blame it on Lex, and spend the rest of her life as Wanda Detroit, singing songs in some dive bar on the Florida panhandle.
She could then arrange to have Clark Kent visit said dive, they could fall in love, and she could leave singing. I don't think Lois would like that though.

Either Cat had a major concussion or that was Phil.
It appears that both these things are true.

She figured he must not have had time to return home to switch it out for another cape between his exposure and the explosion at the Daily Planet.
It was more a lack of motivation than a lack of time.

She hoped that no one else noticed, but Superman didn’t fly.
Nell Newtrich:He has all the powers of Batman.

Superman exited out the main doors carrying a man in a business suit. Lois couldn’t see the victim’s face clearly, but the anguish on Clark’s was unmistakable.
Who did you kill now?

Lois turned away from the death and destruction. Two blocks later, she caught a cab and told the driver to drop her off at Aunti Pasto’s Restaurante, two blocks down from Clark’s apartment.
smile1 there is still hope for Lois to kiss Clark and have him respond in kind today.

John Pack Lambert