Just another one of her stories being hijacked. Terrific. She had half a mind to not tell them and let them squirm.
frown she really is forgetting that this story could makes things very bad for Clark.

Had Clark told Perry about her Daitch investigation? No. That didn’t make sense.
Especially since Clark has never been told about it, so without telling the chief that CK=SM, it might be a bit hard to explain how he knows anything.

Payback for Clark saving his life, for being too close to Lois while they had been handcuffed, or for proposing… oh, God! Please tell her that Lex didn’t know about Clark’s proposal.
Of course Lex knows about Clark's proposal.

Wouldn’t it keep until she returned? Especially when Clark wasn’t around to work on it.
She really should have tried harder to make sure all her notes were secure before leaving.

It wasn’t until she produced “Clark’s” birth certificate and school records, the former supplied by the Kents and the latter by Louie, that Eugene did some digging to double-check her facts. Finally, he believed her and agreed to restore Clark’s past.
Sounds like he tried to back out of giving the help he promised.

on Clark’s desk before heading out to meet him and the Met Star skank for some B&E in Preston Carpenter’s office.
So did Lois get any hands on connection with her partner while they were busting Carpenter?

At least, she knew the story would be safe in Clark’s hands.
If only.

John Pack Lambert