Only 10+ left to go to catch up. <is wondering about who will catch up first>
There. There. I’m worried, too. /talks to self like the little engine that could/

When do the kids head back to school?

Wouldn't it be funny if Claude stole Lois's gunrunning story, only to have Linda steal it and run off to the Congo and die instead of alt-Lois?

ALT-LOIS: [Mecry] Not my BFF! Anyway, I put the "mad" in Mad Dog.
ALT-EDUARDO: /holds up proof of rabies shot/ That she does.
Oh boy.

LOIS: Oh... L&L. Linda and Lex. Makes sense.
[Linked Image]

CLARK: EX'cuse me?
/points at dozens of times Lois had to rescue the big strong super man/
Actually, isn’t it funny how often he has performance issues? Just like with the Enterprise, when her shields, engines, or phasers are on the fritz right when the bad alien of the week shows up.

LOIS: <<cough>> one minute and no bed.
RALPH: Works for me. I can do that.
Does that qualify as an oops?

Who says Superman's moving in?
[Linked Image] Lois, if she has a say-so.
LUCY: I’ll vote ‘yes’, too.

LANA: It depends. How much money is it? And is the plastic baggie kept in a Camero or a Porsche?
wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.