Originally posted by Darth Michael:
Except that this is 1994 and neither know what Midichloriens are.
CLARK: It's what gives me my power? Right?
JIMMY: Man, what are you? Some nerd from the future?
CLARK: eek Future? No, why? Do I look like I'm from the future?
LOIS: Notice how he just breezed past the 'nerd' description there?

ER: It seemed rather excessive for such a distinguished gentleman
Oh, so I should have mentioned it was an aside?

EW: I must have missed those books.
[Linked Image] <<I may have read this one>>
[Linked Image] <<And possibly this one.>>
[Linked Image] <<And this one>>

ER: /more stuff happing in between/
<<EW: And that's where I stopped reading>>
[Linked Image] <<Nope, never saw this one>>
[Linked Image] <<This looks like a comic, so I definitely haven't read this one>>
/more stuff happening later. Some of it very sad. Some of it truly disturbing to the gentle heart/
Well, it wouldn't be SW is everything was happy, bouncing fun, now would it?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.