John: Thank you for your comments. I know you hate Cat, but keep in mind that she does have Earth's best interests at heart. She's really not trying to steal Clark away from Lois; she's trying to save the world. It would be pointless to walk on eggshells around Clark so his feelings don't get hurt, if it means he doesn't recover in time to save the planet from the asteroid. It's tough love time, and Cat knows it. If the world wasn't in danger, Cat would be leaving Clark in Lois's capable hands.

So she called immediately on leaving Luthor, interesting. I guess that is not high cab traffic area this time of day.
It's fairly late into the evening now.

Where did the extra 3 minutes come from?
Clark's building doesn't have an elevator. She had to climb the stairs to the top floor.

She is about to see Clark get pushed from the roof.
Not from where she's standing.

Oh Clark is still listening to Jimmy's advice, and Cat is hoping Lois will just go away.
[Linked Image]

Wait, couldn't he tell from hearing her voice that it was her before he saw her?
Hearing isn't the same as seeing.

Cat seems to have taken every chance to antagonize Lois during this process.
And this isn't her character, how?

Lois:I am the number one person in Clark's life, I should always be with him.
CAT: And, yet, you left to be with Lex Luthor.

This all makes total sense from Lois' point of view.
Always good to hear. laugh

Well, he actually didn't do that, so maybe it makes sense she does not see that in him.
But she liked that Clark stood up to her and wasn't afraid of her.

Clark don't antagonize your girlfriend.
So, you think Clark should be [Linked Image] and not stand up to Lois?

Lois:She definately used the words "undress".

CLARK: It's really hard to change ones clothes without getting undressed.

[QUOTE]Lois: And if that is the case, why are you so desirous that I leave?
CAT: Because you're distracting him from his goal of getting his memories back.

The more Cat tries to get Lois to leave the less likely it will be to happen.

She already spent a night worrying about Clark. Her worry if she leaves him with Cat will be even bigger.
Different, not necessarily bigger.

I still think he should send Cat away.
Well, that would be just selfish and a slap in Cat's face for all that she's done to prove to him that he's also Superman.

Since Cat is just filling in for Jimmy it would seem to be the polite thing to do to leave. I guess Cat is never very polite.
But that's not what she was doing. She was trying to get Clark to remember that he's Superman, and test if his powers have returned. Jimmy was just there so he wouldn't be left alone.

I love Clark's misunderstanding of Cat's lines.
CLARK: But she asked for meat, didn't she?

Realistically I think at this point there is no gain from Cat staying, other then furthering her dislike and rudeness towards Lois.
CAT: And *this* isn't a goal?

See Clark knows the truth. I think he should have sent Cat away for that comment alone.
Clark is too polite to do that.

Good think his powers are back.
Coming back, but not all the way there.

I guess telling Lois the truth right now might not be wise. Although from now on she will probably realize that Cat knew first and that will add to her anger.
LOIS: I'm not mad! mad

he is standing up to Cat and her attempts to deprive him of the joy of Lois' company.
He actually stands up to both of them.

I am liking this part.
Thank you. clap

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.