It took Lois less than five minutes to flag down a cab two blocks away from Lex Towers
So she called immediately on leaving Luthor, interesting. I guess that is not high cab traffic area this time of day.

and another seven minutes, and twenty dollars promised in tip, to get to Clinton Street quickly.
Lois:12 minutes with Clark alone with Cat is torture. I don't trust that lady at all, ever.

Therefore, Lois was banging on Clark’s door a mere fifteen minutes after hanging up on him.
Where did the extra 3 minutes come from?

No one answered.
She is about to see Clark get pushed from the roof.

“Clark, it’s Lois. Let me in,” she demanded, knocking again. “If I were trying to kill you, I’d shoot the door down.”
Oh Clark is still listening to Jimmy's advice, and Cat is hoping Lois will just go away.

When Clark saw that it was her, his face lit up with such unadulterated joy that it almost knocked the anger out of her. Almost.
Wait, couldn't he tell from hearing her voice that it was her before he saw her?

“Where is Cat?” she growled, pushing her way inside and past Clark.
She really does not like Cat. Although considering that she was trying to strip him on the roof I can't blame her at all.

Cat stood in Clark’s living room, her arms crossed, and staring at Lois as if she belonged there, but Lois did not.
Cat seems to have taken every chance to antagonize Lois during this process.

“I’m helping Clark get his memories back.
Lois:Clark does not have that kind of memories with you.

I believe the true question should be what are you doing here, Lois?” Cat retorted.
Lois:I am the number one person in Clark's life, I should always be with him.

Clark seemed to buy it though, and gazed at Lois for the answer, his expression so naïve, so charming, in his not knowing. She knew she had to protect him from Cat’s evil wiles.
This all makes total sense from Lois' point of view.

Lois loved him, truly she did, but when he looked at her like that, she almost didn’t recognize the cocky partner who sent her to the Metropolis Sewage Reclamation Plant to teach her a lesson.
Well, he actually didn't do that, so maybe it makes sense she does not see that in him.

Where was the man, who less than two hours before had asked how close they were and then kissed her? Couldn’t he see what Cat was doing?
Maybe cat is not doing what she thinks she is doing.

“I’m here… for Clark… so he… um… won’t be… uh… alone,” Lois finally said.
Clark: smile1 She doesn't want to leave me. Although if Cat is right and I should not tell Lois that I am SM, this might get tricky.

“You knew I was here when you called, Lois. So, you knew he wasn’t alone; therefore, that’s not the true reason you’re here,” Cat said, standing her ground.
Lois:I meant not alone with dangerous sharks like you prowling to try and destroy him.

“I trust Cat,” Clark said, defending the other woman much to Lois’s chagrin.
shock Clark don't antagonize your girlfriend.

Clark’s brow furrowed in confusion. “No, she wasn’t. She wanted me to change into my Suit…”
Lois:She definately used the words "undress".

“See, Lois, no evil intent. I’m not trying to seduce your partner,” Cat said, setting her hand on Lois’s arm and nudging her towards the door.
Lois:And if that is the case, why are you so desirous that I leave?

“Like hell I will!” Lois said, shaking free of Cat’s grip and crossing her arms. “I’m not leaving. You are.”
The more Cat tries to get Lois to leave the less likely it will be to happen.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Cat returned, standing her ground.
Now Cat is just being stubborn. I don't think she can do any more good, and fear she will cause more emotional damage to Clark if she stays.

John Pack Lambert