“‘Superman didn’t say what the ship was used to transport; he was just happy to have it returned to him’,”
Oh this is how SM has gotten around it being truly detrimental that others known about the ship, he has avoided saying that he came in it.

SM: I didn't ever travel in that ship. No sirree.

Lois: So what did you use the ship for.

SM: Actually it is not me ship exactly. It belonged to a relative of mine who has since died.

Lois: Wait, you had a relative here on earth.

SM: Yes, but he died tragically over 20 years ago.

Lois: That is sad. Are there any other of your people here on earth.

SM: Not to my knowledge.

Clark walked in from the stairwell. He wore a fresh bandage over that scratch on his eyebrow
Is this a non-longer existent scratch? The bandage is fresh because he could not wear it as SM.

the glasses he had used while ‘Charlie’ at the Metro Club.
Why is he wearing these glasses?

especially since she hadn’t spoken with Clark about the status or non-status of their dating relationship yet.
Wait, does this mean that it still may exist? smile1

Perry nodded. “Kent, stop giving up your byline on stories, or she’ll never be your date to the Kerth Awards.”
Clark: I have bigger goals than that. They are accomplished by keeping Lois happy, not be ahead of her.

Perry: But you want her to respect you.

Clark: Good point. Next time I will make sure to get the by-line. This time, I think Lois deserves it.

“Don’t give up on it, Jimmy. We were in Kansas, Superman was in Metropolis,” Clark reassured him to Lois’s dismay.

“Clark?” Lois said, catching his eye. “Conference room, now.”
Is this because he told her that Superman was there are the farm, or is something else going on.

Lois: You said Superman was there in Kansas.

Clark: Lois, we are keeping that low-key. You know it, and I know it, but we don't want to share it with everyone.

“Hey, CK, you never told me, why did everyone in Smallville think you and Lois were married?”
clap How are they going to get out of this one. Is Lois going to save Clark, or let him fry? You are so mean, ending on a note like this.

John Pack Lambert