Looks like it paid off to use really tiny words in the manual.
CLARK: What? I was supposed to read between the lines?

No. She first has to almost put out for Lex and Dan and Ralph.
LOIS: Ralph? Dan? Who's that? The names sound familiar but they make me quesy.

Can’t get any worse?
CLARK: Thanks.

EW: Actually, I remember a story recently where... Ah, yes, Anti-K's And Then There Was Light .

Which make him super-fast or which make him make those up?
Superman couldn't have done all that stuff Clark claims, could he?

Before he succumbed to booze and women? Sadly, he never took any novel writing classes, or he could have just shifted his career.
Was the before or after he joined the DP?

Not a problem. But maybe she should meet up with Lois and influence her, too?
LOIS: You think I need to add more commas to my copy? :rolleyes: Great, another fly-by-night editor, just what I need. Thanks, I already have one of those by the name of Clark Kent.

CLARK: <<looking uncomfortable>> You know that I fly?

LOIS: What do you mean you fly?

CLARK: eek <<clears throat>> Huh? I didn't say that.

We don’t have them over here, so, I’ve got no idea either way.
Kind of like very spicey / peppery roast beef, I think. Pastrami

/nods/ Plus, there’s those tasty bark-beetles if he gets lucky.
CLARK: I like that they aren't sweet.

LOIS: You think I'm going to kiss that mouth?

ER: And he so tried. But Lex kept insisting that he preferred it if twins do that with him.
MENKEN'S GHOST: I didn't mean that!

Hey, what you mean by *I* have corrupted him? I only listed the options. *He* chose them.
CLARK: But I wouldn't have thought it up on my own.

Actually, photos do age. Only the souls captured inside don’t.
You mean like Dorian Gray?

I’ll get it. She’s just fine. /whispers to EW/ Maybe Clark should hold off on giving her those chocolates for a 2-3 more days.
LOIS: Chocolates? There's chocolates? [Linked Image] Gimmie!

He really needs to watch more TV. It’s the first thing a guest does when visiting the bathroom.
CLARK: [Linked Image] But people don't do that in real life?

LOIS: <<shrugs>> I know, but he's cute.

He does? Huh. At minute 13 he only uses aftershave, but no shaving cream with his heatvision.
I could have sworn I saw Clark with shaving cream on his face at some point. Hmmmm. I guess he's different from Canon Clark in this way too. [Linked Image]

See? Bad Boy Scout.
CLARK: What do you mean I need to give back my badges?

No wonder he turned up the radiators while staying at her apartment. And the Planet’s workspace must be jungle.
Maybe he's just heats her up personally. [Linked Image]

Clark finds her *adorable*, too? Oh dear. They’re never going to consummate, are they?
EW: I didn't say that. Did I say that? Nope. I don't think I wrote that anywhere.


the last time this happened, Lois got pregnant. And then things got worse.
Lois got pregnant WHEN there was Friends *with* benefits, not *without*. Or did I miss that story?

Helpful. Handsy. Tomato. Pumpkin.
EW: There's a rumor out there that Clark likes Pumpkin Lois.

CLARK: I do? <<thinks about details>> Okay. I agree with that statement.

LOIS: Excuse me! Don't I get a say in this conversation?

CLARK: No? peep

So, she’s happy as long as she has a strong man with her who also happens to wish to arg- erm please her to no end?
She's liberated, not Lesbian (as from the Ancient Greek island of Lesbos... which strangely enough, I though WW was from at one point; clearly not, if recent developments mean anything... Of course, it could also explain why she's not living there any longer.)

Sorry. This is not comparable to the Apple/Samsung situation.
You mean Lois's body with Cat's soul, doesn't equal Samsung's phone with Apple's iphone soul?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.