After thinking about the end some more I remembered Clark had basically agreed that the next time Lois was stone drunk and asked him to have sex with her he would. This easily equates to agreeing to do so the next time no matter what the situation is.

I do not think Clark will tell Lois first that he has Superpowers. I mean, that means not lieing to her any more. The problem is that either he tells her all his secrets, that he is a time traveler from another dimension who is 31 although based on when he was born he is only 27, or he only does half a reveal and leaves himself open to another time when Lois might go beserk mad on him for keeping secrets from her/lieing to her.

Clark should be going help right now. Since he has been willing to not tell her Mencken died, and put off telling her about the spying devices for several hours, my guess is he will not tell her that he has Superpowers before making love. I also suspect this will mean that she figures it out on her own, and will be fuming mad at him.

John Pack Lambert