Michael: Better late than never. smile1

I think she’s giving Cat a run for her money.
CAT: Hold it! Hold it! Nobody told me that *that* was a possiblity. I want a re-write of the outline, now!

Perry was right!
He often is.

Yes. Friends with benefits. Those always work out great with Lois and Clark.
CLARK: It can't be worse than Friends *without* benefits, can it?

That’s forward!
Helpful, he was going for helpful. She had been worried about drippage earlier at the cafe.

Poor Lois. Never been to a fancy Italian restaurant.
Of course she has. She's just never seen one at a home before.

Huh. Doesn’t she usually use her left hand to handle her fork?
To cut, but not to eat.

/imagines Lois stuffing her liberated woman into a deep, dark, dank closet filled with cobwebs, biiig spiders, and maybe some rats. In there, she can think about how great it is to be a woman who doesn’t need a man.
Liberated LOIS: I'll accept this scenario as long as I get to choose the closet, and I choose Sue S's closet where she keeps her Clark.

Did they get access to the Zelig stone?
CAT: Again! Rewrite!

Those meds *got* to be scrambling her brain.
Do you think they act that fast? Maybe it's just her subconscious being confused by Clark/Superman?

No, but he got used to it eating all sorts of stuff in Morocco and grubs while in the Amazonian jungle.
CLARK: And my folks did teach me to eat with both hands.

/whispers about lack of condoms/
LOIS: [Linked Image] Don't worry, I was once a Girl Scout.

<medical evac>I’m going to refrain from commenting on how that cliffhanger felt the first time.
whinging I've broken Michael. Too much UST!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.