Since we're in Invisible Man territory, I'm going to guess "ILTY" (I believe at the beginning of the morning meeting scene where Jimmy brings in the National Whisper article on Invisible Man.
Thanks. There it is. But it wasn't all that slobbery. Maybe a bit open lipped lock. Then again, LnC's in HiM was just longer but just as tame.

True, but at this point and time Alt-Clark doesn't know about them or his birth-wife.

I don't think the IRS accepts those deductions.
They don't. Oh dear. Poor business magnates.

Ooops. I'll post another one tonight... oh, wait, tomorrow night. Shucks! I already promised one tonight, didn't I? Smacks head. I meant for the 26th, I'm not caught up part cushion wise. Got to get back to writing.
/appears heartbroken before remembering this solves the MMC cliffhanger conundrum. I'm just before the part with the sunbath.

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.