One last thing (I think):
Originally posted by bobbart:
I meant to respond to this but I missed it:
I was also thrilled to discover an "aggressive verisimilitude" in your work...
I love that stuff. The original reason I started writing was to present my KE ideas for Superman's powers.
The verisimilitude also resonates with this engineer. Suspension of disbelief should not be a challenge. Things have to make sense for me. I really love that your stories have thoughtfully explanations of things and characters who actually think things through.

I love this relationship and have a hard time staying away from it. A-plot is overrated anyway.
I suspect that a lot of people here feel that way. It may explain why L&C:TNAOS fanfic boards are still so active *13 YEARS* after the end of the series, while Movieverse fics have slowed to barely a trickle a mere 4 years after the last film's release. I love the A-Plot and the Movieverse, but I think the L&C:TNAOS B-Plot (the L&C Relationship) is what keeps people emotionally engaged with the characters and inspires the muses in this fandom.
